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Experience Transfomation

Professional Coaching

Leah is a caring, dedicated, generous individual who never stops working on herself. She brings that developed self to her clients and is an outstanding coach.


C.H. Allen

Director Chaya Hinda Coaching Academy

Sitting in the passenger's seat of your life? Take the wheel.

Coaching is a powerful process in which you access your inner light and empowerment. With my guidance and support, we'll work together to identify your true goals and explore any obstacles that might get in the way. Tap into your best self, and live your life from that empowered place.


Guided Releasing

Knowing Leah, I've seen firsthand her compassion, keen intelligence, and focus, which she uses to help others find their own inner light.


H. Goldstein, Releasing Coach

Releasing is the ability we all have to handle our emotions and be at peace.

If you experience worrying, fears, confusion, or a strong inner critic, Releasing will give you a powerful simple tool to let go of heavy energy, negative emotions, and beliefs. Releasing can help in all areas of life. You can: Eliminate stress at its root; Change bad habits; Lose weight; Have more loving and understanding relationships; Find lasting inner peace, joy and love. 


The Demartini Method

Participating in Leah's Demartini course was truly transformational for me. Her kind, gentle, compassionate, and empowering approach made all the difference. What's more, she even followed up with me afterward to check in on my progress. I will always be grateful for the change she has helped me achieve.


Leah O.

Transform Resentment. Transform Relationships.

The Demartini Method is one of the most powerful methods available to help resolve relationship conflict. It was developed by Dr. John Demartini and is used all over the world. The Demartini Method helps transform relationships from a place of resentment to gratitude. Through the Demartini Method, one experiences Hashgochah Pratis and sees firsthand that life doesn't happen TO you, but rather For you.


Schedule a Releasing Emotions Workshop or Demartini Workshop in your area.

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